Keep Your Air Conditioning Running Long-Term
Air conditioning keeps your home comfortable during warmer weather. And making sure that unit is properly tuned up keeps it running all summer.

Installing a central air conditioning system is a big investment that will also go a long way towards keeping your home cool and comfortable all summer long. But like anything else, these systems need some care and attention if you want them to continue working at top capacity. That’s where Happy Hiller steps in.
Schedule Regular A/C Maintenance
Keeping up with your regular servicing appointments is the best way to keep your air conditioning system running for years to come. A routine A/C service consists of a professional technician conducting a thorough inspection and coil cleaning once every year.
Getting your A/C unit serviced is very affordable and is likely to save you hundreds in larger system repairs that could result from skipping an annual service. Servicing your unit also ensures your A/C maintains its energy efficiency.
Keep Your Home Tightly Sealed to Maintain Energy Efficiency
No matter how energy efficient your A/C unit is, any air that escapes your home through small cracks can lead to higher energy bills. To keep your energy usage low, make sure to seal doors or windows and add insulation in places like the attic where air is most likely to escape from. You can even cover unused doors and windows and close vents to unused rooms to help cut energy costs.
Maintain Proper Humidity
We generally think of humidity as a bad thing, especially in the summertime, but having a little humidity is important to being comfortable inside your home. Humidity between 30 and 45 percent is the ideal humidity range during the summer. You can monitor your humidity levels with the help of a hygrometer, but installing a system to regulate your indoor humidity will ensure you have optimum comfort in your home.
Turn Your Thermostat Up a Notch
If you’ve followed all of our energy saving recommendations to this point, the last line of defense in cutting energy costs is turning up your thermostat a few degrees. If you can turn your thermostat up without making yourself uncomfortable, you can take a lot of pressure off your A/C unit while cutting energy costs. As long as your house is well sealed and the humidity level is regulated properly, chances are that you won’t even notice the difference.
Let Hiller Service your Air Conditioner Today
Whether you need to get your A/C unit serviced in time for summer or it’s time for a total system upgrade, trust the professional technicians at Hiller Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, And Electrical. Our HVAC technicians have experience working with commercial and residential HVAC systems and can quickly service and install a new system for you and pinpoint energy-saving strategies in your home. To have a Hiller technician service or install your A/C unit, give us a call or schedule your appointment online today!