5 Simple Ways to Save on Summer A/C
5 Simple Ways to Save on Summer A/C
5 Simple Ways to Save on Summer A/C
When it comes to home maintenance, there are four main areas of concern: Heating, Cooling, Electrical, and Plumbing. Hiller is a comprehensive home service company, and we’ve got you covered on all four bases. Learn if you should sign up for a home maintenance plan.
It’s the perfect time to start thinking about the trees and landscaping around your home. Plant trees around your home to help combat climate change while saving you money, energy, and increasing the value of your home.
April Fools’ Day is upon us, which means you should be on the look out for all manner of pranks and hoaxes. But the most damaging fictions and falsehoods are the ones that last all year. Learn more about HVAC myths.
Is it hard for you to enjoy a comfortable day at home? If you have hot and cold spots in the home, you want to find the underlying cause and fix it. If you have a decline in airflow in your home, you may have blocked vents, or you may have a dirty air filter.
Green Guide for Your Home: Here are some of the best ways to improve energy efficiency and green your home:
It’s always an exciting time to look for a new home, but selling your old one can put a damper on all that energy and excitement. Get your home ready for sale in less time, energy, and money.
Tackling the cold isn’t always as easy as throwing on a sweater or switching on the heater. With old man winter comes a whole host of things that could make one grumpy. Power failures, icy roads, car problems, and an increased chance of sickness and health problems are just some of the winter hazards people […]
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz. Check out our valentine’s day Tips for a Romantic Night at home.
You walk around the house and touch the metal sink handle—shock—you grab the backyard door handle—shock—you pull down the dishwasher handle—shock! Some days it can seem like every metal item in your home gives off an electrical shock. | How to Reduce Static Electricity at Home