Hiller Blog

Common Plumbing Problems & How to Fix Them

Do you need to call a plumber or can you fix it yourself? This can depend on a number of things, such as experience and budget. Here are the most common plumbing problems homeowners need to know about. Make an informed repair decision by following our guide.

Common Electrical Problems Around the Home

Electrical problems lurking within the walls of your home can cause recurring issues almost daily. Do you need to hire an electrician for all of them? Maybe not. We’re going over the 10 most common electrical problems around your home and what you can do to solve them.

Easy Ways to Slash Your Winter Heating Bills

Instead of letting the cold deplete your bank account it makes a lot more sense to follow some easy tips for lowering your heating bill. No matter what, you’re probably going to be running your heater more during the winter, but you’re also probably using it more than you need to.

Signs That You Need a New HVAC System

If you think you’re HVAC isn’t working as well as it should be, it may be time for a replacement. We’ll tell you what signs to look for before replacing your old system – and why it’s a good idea to do so. Keep reading for more.

Is It Time for an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

You probably don’t spend much time thinking about your electrical panel. You just turn on the lights and carry on your business. But that electrical panel plays an important role in your house, and if you need an electrical panel upgrade, you can’t afford to ignore it.

Preparing Your Pipes for the Winter

While most of a home’s pipes are in hidden areas, the cold winter temperatures can damage the items, leading to a major problem that is difficult to repair during a blizzard. Here are a few ways that you can prepare your home’s pipes for the winter.