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You probably don’t spend much time thinking about your electrical panel. You just turn on the lights and carry on your business. But that electrical panel plays an important role in your house, and if you need an electrical panel upgrade, you can’t afford to ignore it.
Understanding your home’s electrical system could be at the bottom of your priority list, but there are times when it’s useful to understand what some of its jargon refers to, like the numbers in this title. They describe the maximum amount of electricity that can go through a circuit without making it shut off or trip.
Start preparing your home today so that you are ready for an emergency that involves an electrical outage. Trying to get everything in place after your power has gone out can be difficult or impossible.
We’re sharing some of the things to look for when choosing an electrician service you can trust to provide you and your home with expert and safe solutions for your electrical needs.
Electrical fire starters may be hiding within the walls of your home. Knowing how to spot the signs of electrical damage before they progress is essential to keeping your home safe. Learn more about the four things that can cause electrical issues and how to prevent them.
When it comes to home maintenance, there are four main areas of concern: Heating, Cooling, Electrical, and Plumbing. Hiller is a comprehensive home service company, and we’ve got you covered on all four bases. Learn if you should sign up for a home maintenance plan.
It’s always an exciting time to look for a new home, but selling your old one can put a damper on all that energy and excitement. Get your home ready for sale in less time, energy, and money.
We created this electrical safety checklist for your safety and peace of mind, but it’s no substitute for an annual electrical inspection by an electrician.