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With power outages rising, investing in a whole home generator ensures your home stays powered during blackouts. From choosing the right type, installation and maintenance, our guide walks you through everything you need to know to find the perfect generator.
Power outages can last for hours, or even days. Read our guide for information on how getting a standby generator can make power outages more manageable.
The electrical system can become very overwhelming for new homeowners. Here are warning signs you need to call your local electrician.
The weather is always changing, learn how to protect your home from random power spike damage with a whole home surge protector.
Has your circuit breaker panel been acting up? Keep reading to find out when it’s better to repair or replace a circuit breaker panel.
Sometimes power outages happen. A generator can help you get through those times. Find out here the answer to the question, “what size generator do I need?”
Older homes present a unique set of challenges when it comes to electrical issues. Consider why you’ll want to hire a professional electrician near you.
Electrical repairs should always be left to a professional electrician. Read on to learn why you should never DIY electrical repairs.
You hear a pop and all the power goes out. Everyone says, “Probably a blown fuse,” but what does that even mean and what causes it? Find out here.
Rewiring a house should always be left to a professional electrician. Read on to learn why you should never DIY electrical repairs.